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For Parents & Carers

School Uniform

All uniform bearing the logo may be purchased from Birds of Dereham.

The school uniform is as follows:

  • Sweatshirt: jade green or pale grey with school logo. (Y6 have the option of buying a grey hoodie with the school logo)
  • Polo shirt: white with school logo or plain white
  • Trousers: grey, black or navy (smart school trousers only)
  • Skirt: grey, black or navy
  • Shorts: grey, black or navy (smart school shorts only)
  • Cardigan: plain grey or navy or green.
  • Dress: green or blue and white checked (not available from our suppliers).
  • Socks: grey or white.
  • Shoes / Trainers:* grey, black, brown or navy.
  • Sandals:* white, brown, black, navy or light brown (covered toe)
  • Wellington Boots *
  • Book bag

N.B. Shoes should have a flat sole and ankle support to be suitable for an active day in school. Sandals should have closed toes and a closed heel for safety reasons. (‘Crocs’ are not suitable for school).

We encourage children to wear wellington boots, in wet weather or when it is particulary muddy outside. Children are expected to change from their wellingtons into either trainers or shoes when they are in the school building.

Large shirt or plain T-shirt: Any colour, as a cover-up for activities in Art, Technology or Science.

Sunhat or cap: Essential for summer breaktimes and PE/Games lessons in hot weather.

Wellington Boots: Please name them, with the family surname..

All items of school uniform and PE kit should be clearly named; either with a nametag or biro on a label (please renew this at intervals). You may also wish to identify them with a special button, as this really helps younger children who struggle to read their own name.

Items for PE/ Games

  • T-shirt: jade with school logo
  • Shorts: black or navy.
  • Tracksuits or jogging bottoms: plain colour for cold weather (for Junior children).
  • Trainers: for outdoor PE/Games in white, black, brown, navy.
  • Named PE bag for storing the above items.
  • Change of socks: optional in wet/cold weather.

PE/Games kit should be in school everyday, not only when PE or games appears on the timetable.

It is expected that children will wear school uniform as this gives children a sense of belonging to the school community. Clothing for school should be suitable for a practical day which may include using paint, sand, water and clay.


Mattishall Primary School (14)Mattishall Primary School (20)Mattishall Primary School (16)

Our Schools

Synergy Multi-Academy Trust comprises fifteen Norfolk schools serving children between the ages of 2 and 18. Our schools work collaboratively together to raise standards and provide education of the highest possible standard, offering the best of opportunities for pupils. The Trust was initially established in 2015. We believe that all of our schools have strengths and areas to develop, and that all can improve through sharing expertise and wisdom. The Trust understands that there will be excellent practice in each school, and that every school will be able to contribute to the development of the Trust as a whole.

Our Schools

Synergy Multi-Academy Trust comprises fifteen Norfolk schools serving children between the ages of 2 and 18. Our schools work collaboratively together to raise standards and provide education of the highest possible standard, offering the best of opportunities for pupils. The Trust was initially established in 2015. We believe that all of our schools have strengths and areas to develop, and that all can improve through sharing expertise and wisdom. The Trust understands that there will be excellent practice in each school, and that every school will be able to contribute to the development of the Trust as a whole.

All uniform bearing the logo may be purchased from Birds of Dereham.

The school uniform is as follows:

  • Sweatshirt: jade green or pale grey with school logo. (Y6 have the option of buying a grey hoodie with the school logo)
  • Polo shirt: white with school logo or plain white
  • Trousers: grey, black or navy (smart school trousers only)
  • Skirt: grey, black or navy
  • Shorts: grey, black or navy (smart school shorts only)
  • Cardigan: plain grey or navy or green.
  • Dress: green or blue and white checked (not available from our suppliers).
  • Socks: grey or white.
  • Shoes / Trainers:* grey, black, brown or navy.
  • Sandals:* white, brown, black, navy or light brown (covered toe)
  • Wellington Boots *
  • Book bag

N.B. Shoes should have a flat sole and ankle support to be suitable for an active day in school. Sandals should have closed toes and a closed heel for safety reasons. (‘Crocs’ are not suitable for school).

We encourage children to wear wellington boots, in wet weather or when it is particulary muddy outside. Children are expected to change from their wellingtons into either trainers or shoes when they are in the school building.

Large shirt or plain T-shirt: Any colour, as a cover-up for activities in Art, Technology or Science.

Sunhat or cap: Essential for summer breaktimes and PE/Games lessons in hot weather.

Wellington Boots: Please name them, with the family surname..

All items of school uniform and PE kit should be clearly named; either with a nametag or biro on a label (please renew this at intervals). You may also wish to identify them with a special button, as this really helps younger children who struggle to read their own name.

Items for PE/ Games

  • T-shirt: jade with school logo
  • Shorts: black or navy.
  • Tracksuits or jogging bottoms: plain colour for cold weather (for Junior children).
  • Trainers: for outdoor PE/Games in white, black, brown, navy.
  • Named PE bag for storing the above items.
  • Change of socks: optional in wet/cold weather.

PE/Games kit should be in school everyday, not only when PE or games appears on the timetable.

It is expected that children will wear school uniform as this gives children a sense of belonging to the school community. Clothing for school should be suitable for a practical day which may include using paint, sand, water and clay.